Give a man a fish and you feed him for the day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. A lot of people know how to fish, they just can't afford the nets.

When you buy a Mission Belt you become a part of a great philanthropic effort - or as we like to call it, THE MISSION. Here at MISSION BELT, we don't just want you to look good - we want you to feel good too. That's why a dollar from every belt goes to fight hunger and poverty worldwide through micro-lending. Micro-loans range from $25-$500 dollars per loan. Small loans make HUGE differences. There are millions of industrious, motivated people striving for a better life, and sometimes the only thing holding them back is a little capital to get started. It's a hand up, not a hand out.
We've partnered with Kiva, a peer-to-peer micro-lending institution, to help get our Mission Loans out to the world. Rather than a handout, micro-loans invest in individuals with an idea and the desire to work who don't have access to traditional sources of capital. You can learn more about the loans we have provided and the people we have invested in by visiting our
Kiva Lending Page. You can also join us in our lending efforts as a friend of Mission Belt. Thanks for being part of the Mission. We couldn't do it without our loyal customers.
Mission Bird. Throughout history, birds have been used to deliver important messages around the world. Birds are often times signs of peace and prosperity. The Mission Bird is delivering help and aid worldwide to those striving for a better life. Together with our customers we are lending in over
81 countries worldwide and have given out more than
250,000 unique loans that range anywhere from $25-$500 each. We're helping hard-working people put food on their tables and giving them the opportunity to make their way out of poverty and hunger.